Guide for choosing right dental treatment


Dr Avinash Bamane & Dr Rashmi Bamane

Just click on link to choose options given below to know more about them

List of general Dental Chief Complaints

Pain in Tooth

What — usually it is concentrated to perticular tooth but in many cases we feel radiating pain along the nerve course means part of jaw or face, even ear pain and headache.

Why — It is due to infected pulp or abscess below tooth, many times failed previous dental treatments.

Advice — Pain On Percussion test and X ray Evaluation.Note — Your doctor may suggest you RCT or Extraction of tooth.

Sensitivity in teeth

What — You may feel mild to moderate sensations / currents while using perticular tooth or side of jaw.

Why — It usually happens due to recession of gums, attrition in teeth, trauma from occlusion, abrasion in teeth ( excessive brushing), Erosion in teeth ( excessive intake of citrous food ) or Cavities in teeth.

Advice — Heat and Cold test, X ray Evaluation.Note — Your doctor may suggest you Using De-sensitizing Pastes, Composite restoration or RCT of tooth.

Swelling in gums

What — We can see mild to moderate bulge in gums near tooth which may or may not be painful and with or without sinus tract with pus.

Why — It is due to infected pulp or abscess below tooth, excessive food accumulation inside gums which eventually rottens and create pockets in gums, many times failed previous dental treatments.

Advice — Check tenderness, Extent of swelling and X ray Evaluation. Note — Your doctor may suggest you RCT, Re-RCT or Extraction of tooth.

Tooth Decay — Caries in tooth

What — You can see small pits or black lines or visible hole on any surface of a tooth, sometimes part of tooth is even fractured if cavities are really deep.

Why — It usually happens due to accumulated food and bacterial action on it which causes acidic byproducts which further dissolves calcium of tooth surface involved and a hole is created which increases in size over a period of 3 to 5 years.

Advice — Clinical Evaluation and X ray Evaluation.Note — Your doctor may suggest you Composite restoration or RCT of tooth or even tooth extraction in late cases.

Bleeding gums, Bad breath / Stains or calculus on teeth

What — We can see mild to moderate yellow staining on surfaces of teeth, also accumulation of calculus layers on difficult to clean areas of teeth.
Whenever poked with brush or hard stuff usually associated with bleeding in gums.

Why — It is due to improper tooth brushing habits and lack of awareness regarding Interdental Brushes, Floss, Mouth Washes and missed regular Scaling ( Teeth Clening) by dentists.
Habits — Tea, coffee, smoking, Paan eating habit, tobacco in any form, sometimes medicines.

Advice — Check for Stains, Calcium layerings near gum levels, swelling / bleeding from gums, also halitosis. ( bad breath)Note — Your doctor may suggest you Scaling. ( Teeth cleaning procedure )

Attrition in tooth

What — You can see sharp edges or depressions on occlusal surfaces of few teeth or even whole arch, as Enamel outer layering of tooth got weared off rapidly in recent few years and usually associated with sensitivity or pain in teeth.

Other Symptoms — Sensitivity in many teeth, Pain while Chewing, Pain radiating near ears and TMJ joint issues ( Difficult in opening and closing, pain in joints) Sometimes Headache.

Why — It is due to infected pulp or abscess below tooth, many times failed previous dental treatments.

Advice — Clinical Evaluation and X ray Evaluation teeth and TMJ ( Temporo-mandibular joint)Note — Your doctor may suggest you Composite restoration or RCT of tooth or even extraction in late cases.
In most case Splint, Biteguard, TMJ analysis ( T-scan, Open Closed Mouth X ray, CBCT of Joints, MRI of Joints, Surgery in sever cases.

Mobility in teeth

What — We can see mild to moderate mobility in associated teeth usually painless condition as it take years to develop such problems.

Why — It is due to poor oral hygiene or excessive bushing with force near gums or periodontitis ( Localised or generalised )
In may cases failed RCT or chronic dental decay in associated tooth.

Advice — Check Grade of mobility.
Grade I — Slightly mobile tooth.
Grade II — Moderately mobile tooth.
Grade III — Severe mobility in tooth.Note — Your doctor may suggest you symptomatic tretment as follows -
Grade I — Scaling and Polishing of teeth + Pocket Elimination or Gingival Curettage if required.
Grade II — Deep Scaling and Root Planing of teeth. ( Sometimes reffered as Flap Surgery of Gums ).
Grade III — Extraction of tooth.

Missing teeth

What — Simply means missing or previously extracted teeth.

Why — Usually associated tooth was removed for mobility reason or previously failed treatment ( Failed RCT, fractured teeth) or Accident ( Road accident or Injury from something )

Advice — Clinical Evaluation of site and X ray Evaluation for analysis of Bone or adjacent teeth.
CBCT Scan in case of Dental Implant is recommended.Note — Your doctor may suggest you one of the following treatments -
1 — Removable Partial dentures.
2 — Dental Bridges.
3 — Dental Implants.

Wisdom tooth problems

What — We can see mild to moderate swelling in gums, excessive food lodgement, pus around last tooth in jaw.
associated with difficulty in opening and closing of jaw, restricted mouth opening.

Why — It is due to incorrect angulation or impaction of wisdom tooth which may hamper adjacent second molar if not treated in time.

Advice — Check tenderness, Extent of swelling and X ray Evaluation Sometimes CBCT or CT Scan of Jaws.Note — Your doctor may suggest you Extraction of Wisdom tooth and analysis of second molar if any action is needed.

TMJ Issues — Joint pain

What — You can feel pain while opening and closing jaws and many times radiating pain near ear or tinnitus in ear + Clicking in joints or even locked jaw in severe cases.

Why — It usually happens due to improper eating habits ( using only one side of mouth ), Bruxism ( Night Clenching ), Anxiety disorders, exceessive grinding of teeth. ( Habitual or compulsive disorders )

Advice — Clinical Evaluation of jaws and movements then X ray Open and Closed mouth Evaluation.
T-scan, CBCT, MRI of joints in severe cases.Note — Your doctor may suggest you Symptomatic treatment + Splints ( Bite Guard ) + for Muscle — rest or exersises as required. Usually it is a long process so your faith and co-operation is the key for success of treatment.

Dr Avinash Bamane & Dr Rashmi Bamane

AR 32 Signature Smiles Executive Poly Dental Care Centre


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