
Guide for choosing right dental treatment

  Dr Avinash Bamane & Dr Rashmi Bamane Just click on link to choose options given below to know more about them List of general Dental Chief Complaints Pain in Tooth What — usually it is concentrated to perticular tooth but in many cases we feel radiating pain along the nerve course means part of jaw or face, even ear pain and headache. Why — It is due to infected pulp or abscess below tooth, many times failed previous dental treatments. Advice — Pain On Percussion test and X ray Evaluation.Note — Your doctor may suggest you RCT or Extraction of tooth. Sensitivity in teeth What — You may feel mild to moderate sensations / currents while using perticular tooth or side of jaw. Why — It usually happens due to recession of gums, attrition in teeth, trauma from occlusion, abrasion in teeth ( excessive brushing), Erosion in teeth ( excessive intake of citrous food ) or Cavities in teeth. Advice — Heat and Cold test, X ray Evaluation.Note — Your doctor may suggest you Using De-sensitizin

Root Canal treatment, RCT Single Sitting Root canal

  Root canal therapy is done for tooth pain, know cost of root canal & now get it done in kharadi pune Root Canal Treatment , also known as Endodontics Treatment, is a dental procedure in which the diseased or damaged pulp (core) of a tooth is removed, and the inside areas (the pulp chamber and root canals) are filled and sealed. Kindly Note - For single RCT with Crown Total working time — 3 and half hours Total appointments — 5 Total gap between two appointments — 3 days ( two times needed ) Total Days to complete task — 12 Days. 1. How much time is needed for one tooth RCT ? Usually it takes 3 to 4 appointments for single RCT by BDS graduates. they need total 2 to 4 Hrs of working time in separate appointments of half to 1 hr each. so you need to visit multiple times. But Endodontist MDS post-graduates can perform Single sitting RCT. they need maximum 1 Hr working time that too in single visit. Note — After RCT Crown Placement on tooth is mandatory in every case, so time given ab